Well, you called it. No more big eared- Mickey Mouse jokes, no more giggles about Martin catching satellite radio signal with his ears... No more Martin. The Canadiens have been lacking consistency, are short on production and emotion since the beginning of the season. It's always easier to blame the coach than the players, and although it was a "shared responsibility" as quoted by Cammy, some change had to be done. Our unexpressive, unemotional, not-sure-if-he's-mad-or-sad coach is now gone, and as Pierre Gauthier said it: "Le soleil vais encore se lever demain matin pour Jacques et les autres membres du Canadien." I hear talk that Gauthier might be booted out by Molson. Small world.
Well, as much as the sea of Montreal Canadiens fans may be happy that Martin is gone, it hasn't done them much of any good so far. The Canadiens have lost their last two games with Cunneyworth in back of the bench, as he was before, but with the big cheese title now. Losing 5-3 against the Devils at home, and 3-2 against the Bruins yesterday in B-town, Cunneyworth is preparing his men for a game in Chicago tomorrow night. It's times like this that makes me more than upset that Kirk Muller is no longer with the Canadiens, because ladies and gentlemen, if he had stayed with the CH organization, Muller would be the coach of the Habs right now.
Although the stats sheet may seem bad now, we shouldn't make assumptions within the first two games, because this coach has much to prove. Like it or not, Cunneyworth is the coach for the remainder of the season, so we should all get used to it- especially the media. The good man doesn't speak French. Get over it. Not even 4 days in, and he's already feeling the heat. Like a sports fan said on CTV News yesterday, "It doesn't matter if the coach doesn't speak English or French, he needs to speak hockey." Ditto.
Note: The last game Jacques Martin coached was against the Phildelphia Flyers on December 15th at the Bell Centre, which I attended.-Special moment.
Also, props to the kiddo Louis Leblanc for scoring his first career NHL goal on the 15th.
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